Friday, October 19, 2012


As hopefully all of you know, I'm part of a team creating an online magazine called Menagerie. It's been quite the process and it's gone through quite a few drafts. Though it's still "in Beta," it's starting to come together in what I think are really amazing ways. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look:

We're actively pursuing critiques, good and bad, and we'd love any response you may have. But perhaps some context would help.

Natasha Watts is heading this up. She's proven herself a very passionate leader with solid ideas on what will make this work. Her enthusiasm has definitely impacted my own interest and involvement in the project. But I think as a group, together, we have managed to sort of transcend our original ideaof merely an online lit magazine. Now, we crave interactivty and connectedness. And we're getting there.

It's a slow process.

Right now, we're still working on management and organization, trying to figure out how to solicit submissions and best manage those referrals. It's a working progress, but the main point's working. Behind the scenes can be a little messy--as with any "show," especially in its first run--but I think it's pulling together. I'm excited to see it blossom so to speak, and I'm even more thrilled to be a part of it. So stay tuned and keep following. I'm sure it will be something special.

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