Saturday, November 10, 2012

My name is Shelby Boyer...and I Have a Problem

Turns out I'm a substance abuser. I am addicted to the internet. Cuz it's a real thing (read here about the brain damage teenagers are getting from over-internet exposure). I know I didn't really do the fast last time, but I was accidentally screwed this weekend when the power went out and I couldn't charge my phone. Suddenly, minutes passed like days until I was beating my head against the wall wondering what on earth I was supposed to do. I wanted my phone--I needed the internet--I was desperate for a fix! But the ironic thing was...I had been cut off in the middle of watching an episode of Revolution.
This is a television show about society after a major inexplicable black-out wipes out all electronic activity. In this world, after that, nothing works. And people are crazy, and everything goes to pot, yadayadayada. Watch it...if you like melodrama + guns and guts.

In any case, there I was, facing my own meltdown over not having the technology to watch a show about not having technology.

The irony wasn't lost on me.

In fact, it gave me reason to pause. That, and my sister pulled out our old Harry Potter Clue game, so I was quickly distracted. And I realized that maybe possibly life without the internet--at least overnight--aint so bad. Sure, it's freezing and dark. But you have the excuse to chow down on ice cream that's starting to melt. And you get to have real face time with people you might sometimes possibly forget are actually in the same room. And while I may or may not have, pathetically, had instagram captions runnning through my head as I itched for the chance to snap a photo, I eventually handled it with grace. The main point: I survived.

Let's just not mention the fact that  as soon as those lights came back on, I was plugged in and getting a major fix. I just think it's good, once in a while, to take a step back and consider--consider the good and bad of this over-connected age and all that jazz.

Over and out.

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