Thursday, August 30, 2012

Culture at Odds

The internet has clearly changed things. People all over the world are connected instantaneously and constantly through facebook, twitter, instagram. Conversations are flowing and people are talking about all sorts of things. At the heart of it, this global network is defining--loudly--our culture. But this so-called "pop culture" has been and continues to be looked down upon by the traditionalists and "high brow" society. They raise their noses at the idea of youtube or anything of the like defining their society, and does.

So, there are two sides: the high brows and the low brows, the posh and the laymen, the traditionalists and the revolutionists. It's a story as old as time, only now we don't know where the line is drawn. The web makes it impossible to pin down a right or wrong, a good or bad. The internet is a powerful tool used by both sides to promote either's interests. And that's what makes it such an interesting battle.

I hope this blog can be a way to examine both sides--not to pick sides or decide which is in the right and which is wrong; rather, I hope to find a middle ground. Somewhere inbetween. This is my hope, at least, seeing as I have the two sides at odds within me. The english major in me scoffs at viral videos and celebrates the power of a staged show; meanwhile, the everyday sort of girl finds herself mesmerized by Kim Kardashian's claim to fame or the beauty of a well-crafted TV show (I'm looking at you, Lost). So maybe there are no real answers, but it's definitely makes for interesting conversation. Well, at least...spirited. Definitely spirited.

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